IT Outsourcing (ITO)

ITO is fast becoming the "norm" when budgets are tight or when resources are scarce. If projects are backlogged or if your need to scale, ITO is a great option to consider. Sundial Software offers clients the ability to scale, using both in-house resources and working with our partnership in Belarus to provide top industry talent in Software Engineering, Data Science and IoT engineering. 

We work with clients to assess their projects and staffing resources, map out a strategy and plan resources based on project delivery deadlines. Teams can be sized appropriately based on budget. Resources on the team have years of experience and are at the Master Degree and often PhD level in the Data Science/IoT Engineering services.
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  • RadEditor - HTML WYSIWYG Editor. MS Word-like content editing experience thanks to a rich set of formatting tools, dropdowns, dialogs, system modules and built-in spell-check.
    RadEditor's components - toolbar, content area, modes and modules
    Toolbar's wrapper  
    Content area wrapper
    RadEditor's bottom area: Design, Html and Preview modes, Statistics module and resize handle.
    It contains RadEditor's Modes/views (HTML, Design and Preview), Statistics and Resizer
    Editor Mode buttonsStatistics moduleEditor resizer
    RadEditor's Modules - special tools used to provide extra information such as Tag Inspector, Real Time HTML Viewer, Tag Properties and other.