
Our client's range from small business owners to large Enterprise divisions. Clients rely on Sundial's expertise in software design and development to help them achieve their goals.
ITS Compliance ITS Compliance provides services to both trucking companies as well as large-scale distributors to ensure they are meeting the Federal and State requirements of their home states and the states they travel through. Sundial Software initially developed a highly customized,web-based application that allows them to efficiently convert their paper-based workflow into an online system for both ITS and their clients. We are continuing the project and are currently building an API engine that will allow ITS Compliance to manage their data and maintain all of their API interfaces to allow for better workflow and management.

Hellenbrand Glass Sundial originally designed and built Hellenbrand's Project Management system, allowing employees to manage their customer process and providing them with reporting metrics to analyze their business. We are extending our work and are converting the system to a responsive web to mobile application that allows Hellenbrand employees full mobile access while working remotely and at customer sites.

GoKidGo GoKidGo needed a transportation tracking system built to allow parents and customers to track passengers in transit and to report on destination departures and arrivals. Sundial designed and built a beacon based, location tracking web application that tracks each bus real-time and delivers notification text messages to participants when departures and destination arrivals have occurred.  We continue our work enhancing this application and adding features as the services expand.

Digital Housekeeping Sundial worked with the engineers at Digital Housekeeper to design and build a responsive web based system that allows Digital Housekeeper to be the first to provide the industry with a complete web-based environmental service management tool. This web-based solution was designed and built to allow the user to create databases for every environment/area scheduled to be serviced, create real-time work assignments, provide quality reporting, train staff and forecast service levels. We continue to add features and functionality to this design.

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  • RadEditor - HTML WYSIWYG Editor. MS Word-like content editing experience thanks to a rich set of formatting tools, dropdowns, dialogs, system modules and built-in spell-check.
    RadEditor's components - toolbar, content area, modes and modules
    Toolbar's wrapper  
    Content area wrapper
    RadEditor's bottom area: Design, Html and Preview modes, Statistics module and resize handle.
    It contains RadEditor's Modes/views (HTML, Design and Preview), Statistics and Resizer
    Editor Mode buttonsStatistics moduleEditor resizer
    RadEditor's Modules - special tools used to provide extra information such as Tag Inspector, Real Time HTML Viewer, Tag Properties and other.